You probably know what kinds of books you like. Do you like mysteries or adventures? Do you like books about snakes or horses? When you go to a library or a bookstore, you probably look for books that you like. If so, then you already know what kind of book collections you have, or would like to have.
Maybe you collect books from a certain series or books by the same author. You might like fairy tales and have several that would make a collection. I have a collection of Christmas books and buy a new one every December. I also collect cat picture books, and picture books about Japan (here are some in this picture).
You might discover that you have a book collection you didn't know you have!
Look through the books in your house and see if some of them go together (are similar in some way). You could display them like a bookstore would and play 'bookstore'. Get a date stamp and cards and play 'librarian'! Or you could just put similar books together on the shelf.
The next time you buy books, which collection would you like to add to, or what kind of collection would you like to start? Make a list of books you would like to look for.
The kinds of book collections you have tell a lot about you!
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