Have you heard of William Skakespeare? If you haven't, you will! He was a famous English writer. He wrote many famous plays. One play he wrote is called Romeo and Juliet. In this story, the last names of the characters are very important. Juliet tells Romeo, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." No matter what you call a rose, it would still smell the same! Juliet is saying that she is the same person, even if Romeo's family doesn't like her last name. Of course, it is more complicated than that, but you will read more about it some day.
Names have meaning. Parents choose names for their children carefully. Last names often tell a story of where your ancestors were from. Here is a little bit about my name.
Dawn means morning. The word 'morning' is used to mean beginning, since morning is the beginning of a day. Bonnevie is a French name. My ancestors argued over how to spell it! My grandfather spelled it 'Bonvie'. Anyway, my last name means good life.
Dawn Bonnevie means 'beginning of a good life'!
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